Green Tea Karma

{October 14, 2012}   We Are Our Own Karma

Karma means action. Actions have consequences and results. What we have done in the past brings us to what we have in the present and the present will dictate what will happen in the future.

''Fish Karma logo

”Fish Karma logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many of us may have regrets of what we have done in the past or what we should have done, but didn’t do. We can speculate what could have been or could have happened, but it wouldn’t have lead us to where we are today.

I have things that I have done in the past that I wish I had done differently, but if I had done things differently I may not have ended up meeting my husband, having the job I have now, and my pug and cats that I love. All that wouldn’t have been possible if I had done things differently 15 years ago. When I think about it, and I had the chance to do things differently, part of me wishes I could, but the rational part of me realizes that everything would be different now if I changed the past.

If we are unhappy with our present situation, the past actions have brought us to where we are today. We can’t change the past, only the present. Sometimes we may feel “stuck” in our present situation, but there is always possibility of change. Sometimes we don’t like the options we have, but we may need to just make a change to create different results. If something is not working for us, then it’s time to change and do something else.

Karma isn’t just a result of past lives; it’s all about the results of our actions – cause and effect. We have always been in charge of our future.

We can make a change today.

namastê ॐ

namastê ॐ (Photo credit: ianpozzobon)


et cetera